Stücke aus die Dreigroschenoper für 4 Klarinetten 3 Klarinetten und Bassklarinette – Partitur und Stimmen [Musiknoten]

Besetzung: 4 Klarinetten 3 Klarinetten und BassklarinetteAusgabe: Partitur und StimmenSeitenzahl: Leider keine AngabeSchwierigkeitsgrad: 3Bearbeitet von: Rae, JamesMedienart: Noten

Pomp and Circumstance: Military March No. 1. op. 39/1. Klarinette in B und Klavier. (Edition Schott Einzelausgabe) [Musiknoten]

A ‚Last Night of the Proms‘ without this march – unthinkable! ‚Pomp and Circumstance Military March No. 1‘ with its middle section, the hymn-like ‚Land of Hope and Glory‘ by Edward Elgar (1857–1934), belongs to the finale of the London music event like the Radetzky March usually played as last piece to the New Year’s Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The fame and popularity of the other four military marches composed by Elgar between 1901 and 1907 fade in comparison to this secret national anthem of Great Britain (although strongly rivalled by ‚Rule, Britannia!‘). It is, indeed, an equally rousing and catchy piece of music, and the catchy tune in the middle has just become a classical ‚hit‘. Thanks to the present edition, all those who do not have a large symphony orchestra at home can now play this rousing march by themselves. Instrumentation: clarinet in Bb and piano op. 39/1

75 Jahre Swiss Football League [Gebundene Ausgabe]

75 Jahre der Swiss Football League zusammengefasst in einem Sammlerband

Suite populaire: Flöte (Klarinette, Oboe) und Klavier. [Musiknoten]

The newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung once described the jazz pianist and arranger Peter Wegele (*1967) as ‚most creative pianist in the Munich area‘. Trained at the music academy of Graz, his career has led him to concert stages all over the world where he works with renowned jazz musicians. With his Suite populaire for flute (oboe or clarinet) and piano, he wants to unite the different spheres of classical, pop and world music. The result is a charming suite with five miniatures which is characterized by capricious rhythms, exotic melodies, delightful sounds and evocative contrasts and which swings all the time. Catchy and inspired music which is worth playing – and listening to. Instrumentation: flute (clarinet, oboe) and piano

Carmen Fantasy: on themes from the opera by Georges Bizet. Klarinette in B (Violine) und Klavier. (Edition Schott) [Musiknoten]

Virtuosität hat einen Namen: Alexander Rosenblatt. Der 1956 in Moskau geborene Komponist und Pianist versteht es meisterhaft, das jeweilige Instrument brillant in Szene zu setzen und zieht alle technischen und musikalischen Register. Dabei greift er auch Elemente aus dem Jazz auf und würzt seine Musik stets mit einer Prise Humor. So auch im Falle der „Carmen Fantasy“, in der er bekannte Themen aus Bizets Oper zu einem äußerst wirkungsvollen Konzertstück verarbeitet. Die Fantasie kann entweder mit Klarinette oder Violine und Klavier gespielt werden und ist Wettbewerbsstück im „Internationalen Tschaikowsky-Wettbewerb“ in Moskau und St. Petersburg im Juni 2011. Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4

Mozart-Mantras: nach Motiven der Arie „Non ho colpa“ aus der Oper „Idomeneo“. Klarinette, 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello. (Edition Schott) [Musiknoten]

Enjott Schneider in dialogue with Mozart: Even the instrumentation of the nine-minute „Mozart-Mantras“ alludes to Mozart, a co-inventor of the genre of clarinet quintet. With regard to motif, they are based on melodies of the famous aria „Non ho colpa“ from the opera Idomeneo. Motivic fragments taken from it are subject to various repetitions, thus becoming a kind of „mantra“. This technique, related to „minimal music“, of processing small motivic particles does not remain meditative at all but still leaves room for the clarinet to sing. In the middle movement, „Adagio“, the clarinet plays an original quote from Mozart’s moving aria for mezzo-soprano. Enjott Schneider studied music and German studies and is professor of music theory and film composition in Munich. His extensive activities as a composer, performer, music writer and lecturer make him a versatile figure of the musical world. Instrumentation: clarinet, 2 violins, viola and cello

Happy Birthday: Ein Geburtstagsständchen in fünf Gängen. Klarinette in B und Klavier. [Musiknoten]

Most well-known and generally popular – that’s what the Happy Birthday meals served by Claus-Dieter Ludwig are. Meanwhile, they are available in various instrumentations (for violin and piano, piano solo and piano duet, accordion duo, string quartet, piano trio, wind trio, etc.). Now, it’s the clarinettists‘ turn to be invited to the buffet – we beg your pardon, to come into their own as gourmets! Enjoy five entertaining variations on the famous birthday song: ‚Andante festivo e culinario‘, ‚Lento lasagne e lambrusco‘, ‚Marcia marsala e mozzarella‘, ‚Valzero vongole e vaniglia‘, and the crowning dessert, ‚Czárdás ciabatta e cioccolata‘! A rewarding encore piece that should be a delight to the performers and audience alike. Instrumentation: clarinet in Bb and piano

Romanze: Klarinette und Klavier. (Edition Schott Einzelausgabe) [Musiknoten]

The clarinet virtuoso and educationalist Carl Baermann from Munich was one of the most important musical figures of the 19th century. His teaching literature strongly influenced clarinet education and the further technical development of the clarinet. His Romantic compositions form an integral part of the clarinet repertoire. Romanze for clarinet and piano, a sentimental work of great emotional substance, has proved a popular concert and encore piece. Baermann’s Romanze is also suitable as a performance piece for competitions – a valuable addition to the repertoire of every clarinettist. Instrumentation: clarinet and piano

1. Bläserquintett: „Muzika aizlidojusajiem putniem“ · „Musik für wegziehende Vögel“. Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Horn und Fagott. (Edition Schott) [Musiknoten]

This is the first of two works by the successful Latvian composer for this instrumentation. It was written in 1977 and shows his early compositional style: while freely notated in the beginning, improvisational sections then change over to chordal passages with sharply accentuated rhythm. It is particularly in the freely notated parts of the work that birdcalls and nature sounds appear as onomatopoeic sounds. The particular challenge is not in the virtuosity of the individual part, but in creating the special atmosphere through perfect harmony. As in most other works by the composer, the bond with nature plays a special role. Unlike any other composer, he gives nature a musical voice. Instrumentation: flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon

Entry Standard Research Report – November 2007. Swiss Equity Group. Deutsch Version [Taschenbuch]

Das Buch ist eine Zusammenfassung von fünf Monaten intensiver Arbeit eines 12köpfigen Finanzanalysten-Teams. Aufgrund der rasanten Entwicklung des Entry Standards hat sich die Swiss Equity Group zu Beginn des Jahres 2007 entschlossen, einen vertieften Einblick in die Business Modelle und Finanzkennzahlen der gelisteten Unternehmen zu bekommen und hat deshalb einem Partnerunternehmen einen entsprechenden Auftrag erteilt. Das Resultat kann sich sehen lassen: Eine Datenbank mit umfangreichen Studien über 85 Gesellschaften (von denen fünf jedoch nicht mehr im Entry Standard sind), die gegen Entrichtung einer Gebühr von institutionellen Investoren und Listing Partnern genutzt werden kann. Aufgrund des großen Interesses vieler Emittenten, Listing Partner, Investoren und auch der Deutsche Börse AG hat sich die Swiss Equity Group entschlossen, die Ergebnisse der Analysen in zweiseitigen Berichten (ohne Anlageempfehlung) zusammenzufassen und dieser der Finanzgemeinde in Buchform zugänglich zu machen.

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