kapelle rubin getzmann buser

„Hello“ and „See you again“: für Bläserquintett. Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Horn und Fagott.: für Bläserquintett. Schwierigkeit: 5 (Edition Schott) [Musiknoten]

In these miniatures the composer revised already existing works for the Kusatsu International Music Festival 2008 in Japan where he has got a massive legion of fans. The first movement is played by bassoon and piano only, with the piano part being so easy that it should be played by one of the other wind players which brings a lot of fun to the musicians during rehearsals. The pieces are ascetic rather than romantic and sumptuous. Brief musical actions, tonal repetitions and short flitting snatches of melody are predominant. These two miniatures leave the wind players who are familiar with all kinds of playing techniques much room for their own artistic interpretation. Instrumentation: flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon

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