kapelle rubin getzmann buser

Kammermusik No. 2: op. 36/1. Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Bass-Klarinette in B, Fagott, Horn, Trompete in C, Posaune, Klavier, Violine, Bratsche, … Studienpartitur (Eulenburg Studienpartituren) [Taschenbuch]

The chamber music works are among Hindemith’s most successful instrumental works of the 1920s. At the world premiere of ‚Chamber Music No. 1‘, the audience even demanded a repetition of the third and fourth movements. But the title of the series of works consisting of seven compositions altogether is misleading: the individual pieces actually have concertante soloistic features. No. 2, on the other hand, resembles a piano concerto. The scores are based on Vol. VI/1 (PHA 401) of the Hindemith Complete Edition, edited by Giselher Schubert. Instrumentation: flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet in Bb, bassoon, horn, trumpet in C, trombone, piano, violin, viola, cello and double bass op. 36/1

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