kapelle rubin getzmann buser

Poème: aus der Idylle „Am Abend“. op. 39. Bläserquintett (Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Horn und Fagott). (Edition Schott) [Musiknoten]

The fact that the Bohemian composer Zdenek Fibich (1850-1900) is in the shadow of Smetana and Dvorák is totally unjustified because he, too, was instrumental in the foundation of the Czech national school. His best-known work is probably the subsidiary theme from his symphonic poem ‚At Twilight‘ which has become famous under the name of ‚Poème‘. The violinist Jan Kubelík played this tune under this title since 1908, and as such the work has become known and, with its catchy charm, is now one of the most popular classical themes. Instrumentation: wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon) op. 39

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